Raise the Hammer‘s latest issue is out, and I have an article in this one – finally!
As support for action on climate change continues to grow, some influential people are carefully cultivating what they call “climate change skepticism” in order to make meaningful progress on the environment politically impossible.
These climate change “deniers”, as an impatient public in the mood for change has started calling them, fall into three categories: those that maintain climate change is not happening, those that say it is not our fault, and those that say there’s nothing we can do about it.
Actually, these are not really categories. They’re more like stages that fit neatly into the “denial, anger, acceptance” model.
The National Post’s Lorne Gunter was in the first stage a mere five years ago. In 2002 he wrote Five things every Canadian should know about Kyoto, starting with “The Earth isn’t warming”.
Then he hedged his bets by following up with number two (“If the Earth is warming, it is not necessarily a bad thing”) and three (“Even if warming is real, there’s a good chance humans are not the cause”).
Mr. Gunter clearly knows his own mind, because his article of 2002 neatly predicted where he would stand now, in 2007: global warming is real. But it’s not our fault.
You can read the full article here.